view:23782 Last Update: 2024-9-24
PhD : Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Iran, Communication Engineering (Fields & Waves) , 2017-2011 |
Thesis Title : Analysis of Plasmonic Nano-antennas Supported by Aisotropic Medium |
Subject-class : Providing a software based on mathematical methods (Green's function and Method of Moment (MoM)) for the analysis of periodic plasmonic nano-antennas on the anisotropic medium, and design of a tunable double focus lens metasurface |
Supervisor : Dr. Atlasbaf, Prof. Mahmoud Shahabadi |
M.Sc : K. N. Toosi University of technology, Iran, Communication Engineering (Fields & Waves) , 2011-2008 |
Thesis Title : Simulation and Optimization of Output Beam of Photonic Crystal Waveguides by FDTD Method |
Subject-class : Providing a software based on FDTD method and PSO algorithm for the analysis and optimization of the photonic crystal structures, and focusing the output beam of photonic crystal waveguide for matching with the photonioc integrated circuits |
Supervisor : Prof. Nosrat Granpayeh |
B.Sc : K. N. Toosi University of technology, Iran, Communication Engineering , 2006-2002 |
Thesis Title : Simulation of the Second Layer of ISDN (LAPD) |
Supervisor : Dr. Kalantari |